Friday, February 10, 2006

In-flight Food Trolley Tracking Solution (Part 1)

In-flight food trolley tracking solution using RFID technology generate numerous benefits for the airline operator in term of providing efficiency of movement of trolleys as well as mantenance and have a comprehensive statistic of the trolleys usage database.

In this Part 1 posting, I articulate the possible in-flight food trolly tracking locations at the airbase facility area:

• Trace the trolley when packers done with the packing work
• Trace the trolley when it leave the catering facility area
• Trace the trolley when it transfer to the aircraft
• Trace the trolley when it perform uploading and downloading
• Trace the trolley when it send for maintenance or cleaning
• Identification of non-movement or surplus trolleys

RFID Glossary for Beginner

If you are new to RFID technology, this link provides a comprehensive RFID technical jargon: